Tokogramm and CTG - Gynaecologist Munich

Tokogramm and CTG at your gynecologist in Munich Dr. Claudia Buchmann-Macrander

In addition to the ultrasound examination is the Cardiotocography (CTG) a legal standard test for monitoring during pregnancy, which we offer in our gynecological practice in Munich together with our midwife M. Lederer.

The CTG checked the child's heart rate in response to active and dormant periods of the fetus and uterine activity for the exclusion of preterm labor. The CTG is routinely performed from 28 weeks of gestation. The investigation, however, primarily used in the last weeks of pregnancy and during labor. If the baby's heart sound after a contraction from, so this indicates a lack of oxygen to the unborn child, which would make a caesarean necessary.

The representation of the CTGs via the graphical Tokogramm what recorded similarly to an electric diagram of the duration, frequency and intensity of the onset of labor to monitor the course of birth.

If you have any questions, please ask your team or gynecologist oft he gynecologist practice in Munich.